
by Farm Research & Support Services



FarmSSMartThe concept for ‘FarmSSMart’ is to support Farmers by providing required farm operationssupport services accessible at a minimal cost, and buy and sell farming related products andservices.FarmSSMart (Farm Operations Support Services & Marketing) is a mobile applicationcontains information that acts as a bridge (1) between farmers and farm operations supportservice providers, and also (2) between farmers or farm support providers to buy or selltheir products, where producers/service providers showcase their products for customers topurchase from and it is a two-way process. Here we bring both Farmers and Farm SupportService providers and connecting them on one platform (FarmSSMart mobile application) tosupport routine farm operations. Farmers will be getting their farm work done at acompetitive price and also the farm operations support service providers also get businessregularly.Background: Timely farm operations are essential to achieve higher productivity. Farmoperations includes crop production (vegetables, fruits, millets, spices, pulses, dry fruits etc),livestock farming (dairy farming, goat farming, pig farming, sheep farming, duck farming,etc), organic agriculture, vermicomposting, mushroom cultivation, honey production, etc.Starting from primary tillage to harvesting, and post-harvest operations requires severalequipment and machines to support farm operations. However small-scale farmers do nothave access to equipment and machines to support routine farm works, and they aredepending on available equipment with them or with their neighbor. Moreover, purchasingand maintaining such equipment is difficult and not cost efficient.Please download the ‘FarmSSMart’ and fulfil your farming requirements to increase farmincome.